A blog on why norms matter online

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Call for Papers: Practices of Critique, 5-7 December 2013, Frankfurt

I'm happy to share a call for papers for the 

Fourth International Young Researcher's Conference

Practices of Critique
5-7 December 2013
Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Campus Westend

Two of the panels are of particular interest to those who engage with Internet and human rights issues: 

  • Von Shitstorms und Empörungswellen – Gründe und Abgründe der Internetkritik click here...
  • Praktiken der Kritik nach dem Arabischen Frühling click here...
Below you can find the complete call.

Call for Papers (pdf): click here...

Deadline: 15 July 2013

Practices of critique are intertwined with normative orders in manifold ways. They contain and refer reflexively to critical contentions, and they can enable as well as suppress critique. On the one hand, critique can draw on the justificatory basis of normative orders. On the other, such an immanent critique always harbours the danger of contributing to the reproduction of the conditions it questions. Further, critical practices of social movements and theoretical interventions are often confronted with the argument that there is no uncontaminated position from which to formulate critique. Accordingly, the question arises as to what forms critique will assume and under what historical, political and social conditions critique will appear at all.
In this context it is essential to reconstruct the theoretical foundations of critique and power structures as well the practicesin which they are instantiated. Three aspects are crucial: firstly concrete forms of power and their application, which always emerge from a tension between normative claims and solidified systems of rule; secondly the purview of justice as the foundation for critical rationale; thirdly the aspect of representation. After all, justifications are carried via narratives as well as symbols such that they necessarily contain excess aesthetic content. Therefore the aesthetic facets of power, justice or legitimation also require attention. These terms of reference result in the following array of questions for the conference:
1) Conditions of possibility for critique
Under what circumstances do practices of critique emerge? To what extent are unjust conditions relevant? How do specific normative orders, power structures and representations of them by themselves and others affect the emergence of critique? How can we apprehend the (im-)possibility of the critique of normative orders? Are there spaces of critique that lie beyond the reach of the criticized, or is critique perpetually condemned to aporetic relations?
2) Realization of critique
In what forms does critique become manifest? What social practices are connected with critique, and how do they relate to each other, not least with regard to their respective interpretations of social reality? How can we grasp practices of critique – conceptually as well as empirically? What role do representations of critique and the criticized play in terms of its realization? Do particular forms of articulation further legitimize relations of dominance? Who is able to and who is entitled to express critique?
3) Reactions to critique
What reactions to various practices of critique, such as social movements and theoretical interventions, can we observe? Do they lead to a stabilization of power structures through conservative retrenchment or to reflexive social change towards more just relations? How does the academic reconstruction of social struggles influence the reaction towards critique? How does the representation or the mode in which orders are justified and critiqued affect the reproduction of injustice, oppression and violence?
Such questions shall be addressed from multidisciplinary perspectives at the international graduate conference “Practices of Critique” of the Frankfurt Cluster of Excellence “The Formation of Normative Orders” on the 5-7 December 2013. We invite abstracts from novice researchers (max. four years subsequent to receiving a PhD) until 15 July 2013. There are 23 panels (about half of them are in English) to which you may directly apply. You may also submit your abstract under the general conference theme should selecting a specific panel prove unfeasible. For further information concerning content and language of the panels please refer to the links below or visit the following website:
Please email proposed contributions to graduateconference@normativeorders.net, including ananonymized abstract and a short bio in two separate documents (doc or rtf). The subject heading of the email should include the panel of choice. The length of abstracts should be 400 - 700 words.
Child care services are available with advance registration. For further question on this and other issues, feel free to contact the organizers at the above email address. We are looking forward to your submissions!


(Non-)Compliance and Critique click here...
Coping with critique: The reaction of international organizations to normative contestation click here...
Crisis and critique in banking and finance click here...
Critical Theory and Global Justice click here...
Critique from beyond the Edge of the (Legal) Universe click here...
Democracy in theory and practice - or both? click here...
Die Kritik auf der Leinwand - Darstellungsformen von Rechtfertigung click here...
Die Schönheit der Chance: Das Internet als Ort utopischer Praktiken click here...
Dogmatik – Apologie oder Kritik von Normativität click here...
Freiheit und Kritik click here...
Indeterminacy in law and Critical Legal Theory click here...
Knowledge and Action click here...
Kritik der politischen Kunst click here...
Kritische Rechtsbetrachtungen: Wohin zielt ihre Kritik und worauf zielt die Kritik an ihnen? click here...
Normativität der Sozialkritik click here...
Other Voices, Other Critique? Critical Knowledges Otherwise click here...
Politics of Insecurity, Critique of Security click here...
Politische Gewalt und Aufstände als fundamentale Systemkritik: Transnationale Reaktionen im langen 19. Jahrhundert click here...
Von Shitstorms und Empörungswellen – Gründe und Abgründe der Internetkritik click here...
Praktiken der Kritik nach dem Arabischen Frühling click here...
Religion and Critique click here...
Revolution and Reflection: 1789 and beyond click here...
Transnationaler Konstitutionalismus zwischen Herrschaft und Kritik click here...
Presented by:
Cluster of Excellence "The Formation of Normative Orders" in cooperation with  "100 Jahre Goethe-Universität" and the involvment of "Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach"

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